Workcover and CTP insurance

Workcover Rehabilitation
WorkCover's injury management system is designed to provide a framework which enables an early, safe and durable return of injured workers to the workplace. This is achieved in part through effective communication between the nominated treating doctor, insurer case managers, employers and other health professionals. Return to work is the focus of any treatment provided.
Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEPs) prescribe functional exercise for the purpose of restoring an injured worker to suitable work activities. This includes specific exercise therapy related to the worker's injury and work demands and/or specific work activities.
If you think you could benefit from AEP services to help your injury then speak to your case manager and/or local treating doctor to arrange an assessment.
If you are a case manager or local treating doctor and you think that your client could benefit from AEP sessions then please contact us to arrange an assessment.
CTP Insurance Rehabilitation
An Accredited Exercise Physiologist can provide rehabilitation to return an injured person to original activities of daily living. If you are a General Practitioner, an insurance Case Manager, or a Rehabilitaion coordinator then please contact us to see how we can help your client. If you are injured and receiving health benefits through a CTP insurance agency then talk to your case manager about starting a home exercise rehabilitation program.