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New Edge Performance Latest news!

Still Standing Program Latest news!

The Still Standing program will continue!
The Still Standing program will continue to be funded by the Western Sydney Primary Health Network for the 2024-25 financial year. This means the program will continue to be free for first-time participants of Western Sydney.
We are happy to announce a new class location for 2024.
Greystanes on Tuesday mornings.
Also, check out our new promotional video for the Still Standing Program.
To find out more about the program, locations and eligibility please click here.

As we get older the risk of falling over increases. Falling can be potentially dangerous increasing the risk of injury which may reduce quality of life and independence. A falls prevention program including balance and strengthening exercises can reduce your risk of falling.

Being overweight or obese places you at an increased risk of developing chronic disease such as heart disease and type II diabetes. It can also affect your joints including knee and back pain and also place you at an increased risk of developing cancer.

Do you have any of the following? Type II diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, COPD or osteoporosis
Did you know you can improve your management of these chronic diseases and possibly reduce medication intake?

Do you have any of the following aches and pains? Back pain, knee pain, hip pain, neck pain, shoulder pain. An exercise rehabilitation program designed especially for you may help improve flexibility and strength leading to improved functionality and reduced pain.

We are current seeking expressions of interest to run exercise classes for type II diabetes, heart disease and pulmonary rehabilitation for conditions like COPD. We are also interested to hear from GPs or other health facilities to work closely with. If you are interested in something like his please let us know.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the new way of providing support for Australians with disability, their families and carers. The NDIS supports people with disability to build skills and capability so they can participate in the community and employment.
Our Exercise Physiology services
With the guidance of an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, exercise can be a safe and effective treatment. New Edge Performance specialises in designing exercise programs for a wide range of chronic diseases, musculoskeletal injuries, and general health. New Edge Performance can also provide supervised exercise training on a 1 on 1 basis, group education programs and group exercise classes.